Photo by Anon from Pexels

In 2013, in Detroit Michigan, two furniture designers saw how much waste is made by furniture. On average 9 tons of furniture goes to landfill each year. Every sofa, every bed, every table that makes its way to landfills impacts our environment. So Kyle Hoff and Alex O’ Dell decided that enough was enough and set out to show the world that sustainable furniture can be beautiful for the home and the Earth.

The Birth Of FLOYD

Alex O’Dell & Kyle Hoff
Photo Credit – Forbes

Going underneath the brand name of Floyd. They set out with seven principles when designing their furniture. Even from the start, they used the following principles when they produced a Kickstarter campaign for their revolutionary Floyd Leg.

The 7 Principles Of Floyd

Nothing Unnecessary.

The furniture needs to serve a clear and concise function. Take the Floyd Leg for example. It is a simple, modern design that serves as a table leg. That combats the culture of disposable furniture.

Being Adaptable Is Key.

Just like our lives, our furniture needs to also adapt. Every home goes through constant change and so should the furniture that is in our homes.

Design For The Many. Not The Few.

Furniture needs to be available for everyone regardless of space and layout. An inclusive design for everyone is paramount to providing a beautiful and modern aesthetic.

Designed For Longevity. Not Trends.

Floyd aims to make furniture that should stand the test of time. Along with being functional and fashionable now. As well as the future.

Constraints Are Not Roadblocks.

When designing a product you shouldn’t be beholden to the parameters in place. Sometimes a fence can inspire and create a unique product that can ship anywhere.

Challenge The Norm & The Way It’s Been Done.

For too long the idea of a bed is one size or a sofa is this size has been spouted out by the major manufacturers. Designing a product that can serve not just one size or purpose but for many.

Keep The Product Accessible Without Lowering Quality

Stripping back a product down to its core components allows Floyd to keep their products accessible. Allowing them to use high-quality materials, including steel and FSC certified wood.

The Floyd Leg

The product that started it all. The Floyd Leg is an adjustable leg that fits under just about anything, with the purpose of turning a simple piece of wood or metal into a functional table.

The inspiration behind this piece of masterful modern sustainable design is when Kyle Hoff and Alex O’Dell wanted to develop a product that actively fought against the world of disposable furniture that is prevalent in today’s society.

The Floyd Bed

A lot of material goes into making a bed, which means a lot of it ends up disposed of when the bed is broken. All the fabric, wood and metal is just shipped off to the landfill. The Floyd Bed Frame is designed with sustainability and adaptability in mind, meaning that if you need to expand your sleeping space or reduce it. This bed frame adapts to your needs, with the many Floyd expansion kits you can turn your bed from a double to a king with ease.

Floyd Sofas

The Standard Floyd Sofa

Designed to be fit into any home, the Floyd Sofa just like the Floyd Bed is designed for everyone. So if it’s going up a block of flats or getting round a narrow corner this sofa will make it into your living room.

The Sectional Sofa

Looking for a more bespoke sofa? Specifically, made for your homes needs? Then Floyd also offers a sectional sofa that can also be expanded and reduced when needed. Thanks to its modular nature.

Floyd Shelving System

The Floyd designer Shelving System was crafted to offer endless possibilities. But don’t let this give you the impression that it’s flimsy or wobbly… Quite the contrary. Made with high-quality steel and available in several finishes, the system provides a strong foundation for your belongings or becomes an additional element of decoration.

This piece can be easily utilised around the home including the kitchen or living room.

But sticking with the 7 design principles the Floyd designer shelving system sticks by this. And, is possibly the most versatile and adaptable piece of Floyd furniture that they offer.

Changing The World. One Piece Of Furniture At a Time

Just scratching the surface of what Floyd offer, Kyle and Alex has started a new furniture revolution that is sure to get the attention of the furniture giants. Not for the environmentally friendly efficiency of their products but the timeless product design, they have used in the creation of said products.

Thank you for reaching the end of this article. If you wish to find out more about inspirational designers. Current and past we have brilliant pieces on world famous designers including Albert Hadley and David Hicks.