Who is Stephane Boudin?

Stéphane Boudin

Ah, another french designer. Stéphane Boudin design was super influential in Paris, and got his fame by exporting this Parisian style to the us. We will look at some of his more famous works a w

Who is Stephane Boudin

Stephane was born in 1888 in Paris, he is known as one of the most influential french designers. 


Stéphane Boudin white house

Probably his most famous work, and maybe the reason we all know him today, stephane designed the white house. 

Jansen company

He later joined the very popular Jansen company in 1923 which was a triumph for the company and meant that they were never out of work. People often associated the word jansen for chic and grand designs at the time. The jansen company were the titans in interior design at the time, and were world renowned and respected for producing quality, cutting edge fashion designs for interiors at the time. It is interesting that there was such a post war property boom, and such an increase in design and interiors, but I guess people wanted to enjoy the good stuff!

Stephane Boudin and Jackie Kennedy

When decorating the white house, it was Jackie Kennedy who asked Boudin to redesign the white house, coincidentally because the Kennedys were not impressed with sister parish’s attempts and brought Boudin to finish aspects of the white house. This being said the yellow oval room remains as her work.

stephane boudin jackie kennedy
stephane boudin jackie kennedy

Stephane Boudin Projects

If you view the third floor white house it is easy to see where boudin influence has shone through, as well as this you can also see the red room which has been designed by stephane in these traditional colours of bold red and the blue room. After this display Jackie Kennedy then gave him free artistic license, which kind of shunned parish. 

Stephane Boudin Work

Interestingly the company Jansen designed for Elsie de wolfe, so there was a real sense of design community at this time, and a camaraderie that was involved in the profession.  Which is interesting because it also shows a level of respect to their fellow designers, to add to this it is also interesting that this parisian man made such an impact overseas in the united states as well as areas of the uk and beyond. It does show that french style is very accessible, and has a far reaching audience. 

Stephane Boudin interior design?

You can see some of his more prominent works at Leeds castle in the south of the uk in kent, 5 belgrave square, as well as chanaleilles, and the white house. It is worthwhile and important that some of these older style designers creations still exist.

leeds castle room stephane boudin
leeds castle room stephane boudin

Although progress is important and we know the changing landscape of design never stays the same. Which is the beauty of it. But it is also nice to have certain snapshots in time of older ideas and designs are great to learn about where we have come from, and maybe where we are going because as we know, fashion is a never ending circle!